Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Acknowledgement from a friend of mine.

It was quite an honor to actually hear someone praising your work and best of all from someone who knows so much about camera works and ground work at shooting set. I am truly honored with that acknowledgement. I guess that will be the cue for me to work even harder on my production.

One thing that is really important for me is reading. I had so much to catch up and learning in using new system and I am sensing and have a very strong feeling that I will be dealing with another different types of equipment and it will be another different level all together. However for me, the final outcome is very much important and I will make sure that will be my strong point.

By the way, yesterday I've attended KENTE Season 2 preliminary brainstorming session. Among those who've attended that session were Mr. Mark, Mr. Carlix, Mr. George, Mr. Jason Jay, another guy whom I forgot what's his name was and myself. It was a fruitful one and I am looking forward of commercializing KE and I can say this "IT'S ABOUT TIME MARK!" hehehhehe

p/s: currently doing some post production for Mr. Usal Jon Gavis. Can't wait for this to finish.

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